Dress: Ghee Sweater Pure [The Hipster Fair 2015]NEW! Tights :Ghee pink Lady essential tights pack incuded Slink applier hud
Glasses :Ghee hip glasses with Hud [The Hipster Fair 2015]NEW! Lunchbox- Ghee mono floral with hud [The Hipster Fair 2015]NEW! Nails - Ghee Candy Collection naills hud slink Hair - Tableau Vivant -Dreadlocks series-Mont Hair Skin - Jewell Blossom Blonde Makeup 4 - October´s 4Seasom http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/October%20Enterprises/137/92/3002 Makeup eyes- NOX. Flight Shadow (Purple) Camera - *Tentacio* Vintage blue The Hipster Fair is already running! …Make sure to grab this cool itemsbefore 15th February. After this date you will find them at –> GHEE MAINSTORE!