Sweet Thing Catsuit Play Set . Full set includes: Catsuit (Maitreya) ,
Latex Tail (Bento) and ear band
Catsuit Set Hud
Latex Cat Tal bento Included Static tail poses
The tail moving forward will have a specific AO
FULL version includes Static Pose HUD and AO.
These ears include 5 positions (on top of the head and on the side of the head - with varying distances for hair size, etc.)
A 31 color HUD is included
These ears have an easy on-touch animation menu and a Static Pose HUD for taking pictures.
Eyeshadow are made for Catwa Bento heads and the Omega Compatible Heads.
These lipsticks come in 06 fashion colors appliers for CATWA and Omega.
This pack contains the same lips in tattoo layers for Classic Avatars.
this hair includes a version that moves with preloaded bento animations inside it.
CODEX bento Gloves -Sadyska (Maitreya)