Altamura "Monique Bento Urban Piercing" The including set requires a MONIQUE BENTO'S HEAD. in eBENTO
The set is composed by 20 piercing including:
- 8 right ear's earrings;
- 8 left ear's earrings;
- 1 for nose.
It comes with a HUD that allows you to change color and show or hide your piercings.
Multiple hud contains the applier for mesh Body in 3 tone (Light , Medium and Dark) for:
• Altamura Mesh Body
• Belleza
• Maitreya
• EvE
• Signature
• Omega system

It consists of 8 different eyeshadow make up.
It consists of 8 different lips make up.
This makeup works with Altamura applier if you wear one of Altamura heads or with Omega System for all others.
eBENTO The Event Nov. Round
[[Massom]] Ruby Bento Gloves
Beautiful Ruby Bento gloves is BETA version for Maitreya Lara Bento - Vista Bento hands. Item has materials enabled. Comes in 14 Beautiful colors.Also includes metals hud.
Exclusives in eBENTO
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